The Power to End Stroke

The Power to End Stroke is a program sponsored by the Institute for the Advancement of Multicultural & Minority Medicine, supported by a grant from the DC Department of Health.

In collaboration with community partners including the American Heart Association, the American Stroke Association, Bread for the City, the DC Housing Authority, and the University of the District of Columbia, IAMMM convened a series of workshops that addressed symptoms that often lead to stroke: unhealthy eating, hypertension, and high blood pressure, and stress. The interactive workshops also gave tips on avoiding behaviors that can negatively contribute to the incidence of stroke, such as poor nutrition, heightened stress levels, and lack of exercise.

The workshops, which targeted African-American residents of Wards I and VI in the District of Columbia, ages 18 through 65, were held at Shiloh Baptist Church and Friendship Baptist Church on October 23, 2007, November 20, 2007, and January 16, 2008